Video Competition
“Capture the Storm,” an online video competition among students capturing what they love most about campus life, announced winners in its second-annual contest last week.
Seventeen undergraduate students submitted Youtube videos, which were viewed by more 1,000 students across St. John’s campuses. Brian Choy, a junior from Tobin College of Business, won the administrator’s vote for his “Who We Are” video while Jorge Ortiz, a sophomore from CPS won the people’s choice vote for his “Capture the Storm: A Storm is Coming” video.
Other winners included Kenneth Sheehan, Stefan Bojic and Jonaki Singh. The winning films were awarded prizes ranging from $1,000 to $250 and the chance to share their video on the St. John’s Website.
SGI committees
Applications for SGI Committees are now available on St. John’s Central. The 10 committees ranging from Student Affairs to School Spirit and Academic Affairs are responsible for planning dozens of events on campus over the course of the year.
These events include the recent Relay for Life as well as organizing the BBQs and away trips to athletic games. All applications are due to the Student Government Office by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 21 at the latest.
Peace Week preview
The second Peace Week will take place at St. John’s from April 25 to May 1. The theme for this year’s Peace Week is CREATE, with each day focusing on a different aspect of the creation theme.
Events on campus range from the Free Hug Campaign on Monday, April 26 to Shout! A Spoken Word Peace Concert, to be held on the Great Lawn at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 28.
The events of Peace Week are sponsored by Campus Ministry, Students for Global Justice, Ozanam Scholars, Peace Week Planning Committee, ONE Campaign, Earth Club, Team RV, and Bridging the Gap Project.
Research Week winners
Two St. John’s students were awarded for their contributions to the First Undergraduate Applied Social Justice Competition, which was part of Student Research Week. The awards ceremony for the competition took place April 15 in Bent Hall.
Sophomore Princess Ikatekit won first prize for her essay, “Global Warming and Climate Change: a Catholic Perspective.” Student Kathryn Mordeno won second prize for her essay, “Microfinance: the Path to Poverty Alleviation.”