Nov. 13 marked one week since the United States Midterm Election. At the one-week mark, St. John’s students expressed their opinions on the outcome of the election and why they decided to vote.
Derek Klingel, Junior

How do you feel after this midterm election?
“I’m feeling a little nervous because I don’t think the democrats are going to be willing to work effectively with the President now that they have control of the House.”
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“I am not surprised. I knew there was a strong chance of the Democrats taking back the House especially because this has happened many times in history where the opposition party wins the House.”
Which side were you rooting for?
“I was rooting for the Republicans because I want to see the Make America Great Again agenda continue to thrive.”
Why did you vote?
“I voted because I want us all to have a prosperous future.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“I think celebrities do affect young people’s views and unfortunately not for the better. They do make more young people vote from what I see.”
Rachel Peprah, Junior

How do you feel after this midterm election?
“I don’t know. I’m still somewhat in shock by some of the results and I haven’t fully registered everything yet. It’s beautiful to see people who look like me or have the same values as me in a place of high power.”
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“Yeah I’m still pretty shocked. This is the first time in a long time where the House of Representatives is full of Democrats. It just shows that people really want change.”
Which side were you rooting for?
“I wasn’t really rooting for a specific party. I was just rooting for anyone who wanted change and who placed value on things I cared about like immigration, education, and things like that.”
Why did you vote?
“I think it was important to vote in this election because the results of this election determine what can happen in the future and I don’t just mean a year from now but like 20 years from now. The decisions made now can really impact the distant future so we have to be sure that we’re making the right decisions now so that our children and our children’s children can live in a world better than the one we are living in right now.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“I definitely believe that the results of this election is going to bring about lots of change.”
Delia Loouy, Freshman

How do you feel after this midterm election?
“It was a little because it was my first time voting but I knew I was voting for an important cause. For me being newly 18, it was awkward because I feel my age doesn’t really know about politics. So, for us to actually vote a lot of people were confused about it. I know at first I was confused. I got used to it and realized the bigger idea of it was for an important cause.”
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“Not necessarily. I didn’t watch the results but I know for New York a lot of people weren’t disappointed. A lot of Democrats won apparently from what I heard…and I am Democrat.”
Why did you vote?
“My parents are really big on voting. They say that all votes count, especially for me being female and biracial. That one vote can have a big effect and it did have a big effect.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“It didn’t promote me because that didn’t really affect me. It did affect others because they look for them for support…which I think is pretty cool. A lot of people did find influence in them.”
AJ Cancela, Senior

How do you feel after this midterm election?
I feel good…the Democrats are looking up. It’s very important that we improve voting among millennials.
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
Which side were you rooting for?
Why did you vote?
“I’m a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated…it is required for us to vote but besides that it’s important to exercise our right.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“Yeah, I think it’s important for them to use their platform. They can reach a lot of people and they’re setting an example when people watch them.”
George Paxos, Sophomore

How do you feel after this midterm election?
“Fine. The outcome was satisfactory.”
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“Not at all. I was expecting the republicans to keep the senate because the democrats had 26 seats up in states that Trump carried in the election. So that was kind of obvious they were going to go that way. I was expecting the democrats to take the house because 43 republicans retired this year from the house. They have to defend a lot of seats and not all those seats were in states Trump carried in election.”
Which side were you rooting for?
Why did you vote?
“I think it is important to have your voice heard. You want to change society and see the general change that you want from society. You have to vote and participate.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“I think in general there are less conservative celebrities. It definitely motivates people who are liberals to vote because they’re supporting liberal candidates. You know Beyonce was not supporting Ted Cruz! It didn’t really have an effect on me.”
Melanie Londono, Freshman

How do you feel after this midterm election?
“Honestly, I just voted Democrat. I didn’t really know much about it but I feel like I should’ve voted because every vote counts obviously. From what I heard there were a lot of women elected…I feel like that’s good because of diversity.”
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“Yes and no. You do see women in such high positions but not a lot so that’s a big deal.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“Not necessarily me but I know for a lot of others it has because once Taylor Swift said you should vote a lot of representative people who voted for her state increased. I’m assuming it does affect her followers and people who like her.”
Denise Reyes, Junior

How do you feel after this midterm election?
“I feel kind of hopeful. We are having way more representatives in office. We have the house and that’s an exciting point to think about.”
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“Not really surprised because we were trying to get a difference in office, especially with what we’ve been seeing around the country. I was hoping for more Democrats to be represented.”
Which side were you rooting for?
Why did you vote?
“I didn’t want any republicans representing my state because they’re not in view of what my goals are.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“Personally to me they haven’t brought me to vote for their view. I do feel like they have a pulling of what other people do vote on.”
Atiya Ally, Sophomore

How do you feel after this midterm election?
“Relatively good because the house won the Democrats and then the Republicans stayed in power for the senate…I’m not really keen on that part.”
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“I was only because I feel like a lot old-time voters did vote… so I felt like the republicans would stay in control of both the house and senate. But I also wasn’t because I know that a lot of current generations voted. I feel like a lot of current-day voters are democrat so their impact on voting would sway the system.”
Which side were you rooting for?
Why did you vote?
“I registered too late to vote last year so I didn’t get to vote… I wanted to vote this year. I know that people say ‘your vote doesn’t really count but I wanted to see if it would. I felt like it did.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“It didn’t personally help me because I don’t really follow many celebrities to see their active. But I feel like for people who do follow them then yes.”
Christian Galloway, Junior

How do you feel after this midterm election?
“I don’t feel too different. Voting is starting to become a commonplace for me and I do know I have to play my part. Sometimes it can be difficult because even though you vote you may not get what you want.”
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“Not really. I’ve been in a very accepting mood since our 2016 election. At this point I’m unphased.”
Which side were you rooting for?
Independent, voted Democrat.
Why did you vote?
“I voted because it is my civic duty and if I don’t vote I don’t have the right to complain.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“Most definitely, and I feel like they should…that’s almost their job. As public figures they should be promoting to voice your opinion and to able to feel confident in expressing yourself, especially in a climate that will affect you in the future.”
Jeremy Mathew, Senior

How do you feel after this midterm election?
“I feel more confident in the system that I did last year, only because a lot more people, like my friends and family, went out to vote than last time.”
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“Not really, because I know on the coasts it’s more democratic or liberal… I know in the middle it’s more red. So, I know the senate was going to stay red. But I guess I was a little bit surprised that we completely took control of the democratic house. I wasn’t really expecting that to happen so soon which gives me more hope toward the general elections, which are coming up.”
Which side were you rooting for?
Why did you vote?
“I just don’t like any of the people who run in my area. Thank God I live in America where I have the choice to do that.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“That’s a tricky question because it depends on person who’s advocating and depends on what they say. Sometimes it can help and sometimes it could hurt. A good example is Kanye West supporting Trump. But then again there’s good examples like the person who play hulk in the avengers who helped Sanders back in the 2016 election.”
Rosalie Bonacasa, Junior

How do you feel after this midterm election?
“I live on Long Island and I am not the happiest about the outcome.”
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“I kinda saw it going that way because my parents talk about it a lot and they hear a lot of things. My dad and mom work government jobs…they kinda knew how people were feeling and voiced their opinions.”
Which side were you rooting for?
Why did you vote?
“A lot of the funding for Long Island and the schools are going to be sent to the cities since the democrats won. The republicans would have kept some funding for the old schools. The old school I went was a private school and I think it might shut down without the funding.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“It think it could’ve helped other people to vote. I was getting voting things on every social media. Snapchat was hitting me with the votes. Everywhere I turned was like ‘Go vote! Go vote!’ I think it definitely helped some people to go vote. I was planning to vote anyways. It just reminded me!”
Dominic Perez, Senior

How do you feel after this midterm election?
“I feel anxious because of this divide that is happening in America.”
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“Not really, the only that surprised me was that the democrats was able to take back the house by a small margin.”
Which side were you rooting for?
Why did you vote?
“I feel like I couldn’t stand here and do nothing. I feel like I had to do something about it.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“Celebrities…no. I do feel motivated by the people I watch, especially people I subscribe to on YouTube.”

Kyle Burnell, Sophomore
How do you feel after this midterm election?
“I feel good. I’m a democrat so I feel it’s good we have the house ba. I was happy to see that we have the first Native American in the congress and the first two muslim women in congress as well…it was really nice seeing that.
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“No, I was expecting it…it wasn’t too much of a surprised.”
Which side were you rooting for?
Why did you vote?
“It was the first time I actually voted. I was really happy to finally have a voice.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“I don’t really pay attention to celebrities like that, I was kind of more on my own. I paid more attention to Leonardo Dicaprio because I like what he stands on global warming and the environment.
Rumman Rafsan, Senior

How do you feel after this midterm election?
“I feel pretty good, I feel like there is a balance of power with the democrats running house. I feel like there is more balance in the government, as it’s supposed to be.”
Are you surprised by the outcomes?
“I’m definitely not. I saw it coming.”
Which side were you rooting for?
“I’m not a democrat, I don’t like democrats on a lot of issues. But I feel like its good for the government and the country if there’s more compromise going on and if there’s more balance. I was hoping the democrats would take the house.”
Why did you vote?
“I live in New York, so I knew it was going to democrat either way. I actually voted libertarian for governor just as a protest vote.”
Do you think political activism from celebrities like Taylor Swift, Beyonce & Oprah impacted young people’s engagement in voting?
“I don’t really think so. I guess celebrities are entitled to their own opinions and they can say whatever they want. I just feel like people overreact when celebrities endorse a candidate. I feel like celebrities are entitled to their opinions but shouldn’t be taken literally.”