Summer is the perfect time to find a new sound for a playlist, something that really encapsulates the feeling of warm days, cool nights and carefree fun. With these five albums, you should be able to create the perfect soundtrack for the upcoming season.

“folklore” by Taylor Swift
Starting off strong, this album by Swift is the perfect balance between summer love and summer heartbreak. The combination of an uplifting melody with tragic lyrics in “august” describes an ill-fated love that sounds like a cool breeze. Accompanied with a more positive track like “invisible string,” these tracks make for two enjoyable additions to your summer playlist.

“When We Were Friends” by The Backseat Lovers
This album by The Backseat Lovers is the epitome of an indie summer. With a wide range of emotions, every song on the album could be included on the soundtrack of your new favorite coming of age movie. “Pool House” gives the feeling of a lackadaisical summer party in the form of a ballad, while “Davy Crochet” turns the energy up and makes you want to dance.

“Exile on Main Street” by The Rolling Stones
There’s something about classic rock that creates the perfect summer vibe and this Stones’ album is no exception. With tracks like “Tumbling Dice” and “Sweet Virginia,” these songs are perfect to listen to on a summer road trip, with the windows rolled down and wind blowing through your hair.

“Absolutely” by Dijon
This album as a whole gives a very mellow, laid-back feel that makes you want to kick back and relax. The way the songs flow along from one to the next makes for an easy listen. However, some tracks stand out more than others with their upbeat melodies. “Scratching” and “The Dress,” have a higher energy level, while still maintaining a chill feeling with their sweet lyrics.

“Outta Their Minds” by Sun Room
Sun Room is a newer band with a surf-rock sound that is perfect for any summer day. Their newest EP, while only coming out in February 2023, has an almost vintage feel that paints the picture of a band playing on a California beach in the 60’s. Songs like “Cadillac” and “Sunset Garage” make you want to bop your head with cute lyrics about young love creating the perfect lighthearted energy for a summer track.