Former SJU hoopster faces more charges in the shooting death of limo driver
Former St. John’s basketball player Jayson Williams had more charges filed against him Monday in connection with the Feb. 14 shooting death of limosine driver Costas Christofi in William’s New Jersey mansion.
Prosecutors formally charged Williams, who already has been accused of manslaughter, with hindering apprehension, two counts of evidence tampering, one count of witness tampering and one count of conspiracy to obstruct the law.
Prosecutors said that Williams wiped his fingerprints off the shotgun used to kill
Christofi then told house guests to lie to police that the driver killed himself.
Prosecutors also alledge that Williams removed the clothes that he was wearing at the time of the shooting and gave police other clothes.
They said he also repositioned the gun and attempted to imprint the victim’s fingerprints on the weapon to make it look like a suicide.
Williams wore a St. John’s uniform from 1988 to 1990. He played in the NBA with the Philadelphia 76ers and the New Jersey Nets until 1999 after sustaining a broken leg. In 1999, Williams donated $2 million to St. John’s, which has still yet to be paid in full.
St. John’s to host annual Passover Seder
St. John’s University will observe the 35th Anniversary of the Annual Modal Passover Seder tomorrow in the UC Commons.
The Passover seder tells the biblical story of the Exodus from the Haggadah, a Passover book. Rituals of the holiday will be perfomed.
The seder will be conducted by Leonard W. Stern, adjunct professor of religious studies, and theology and faculty adviser to the Jewish Students’ Association.
The event will run from 6 to 10 p.m. and is open to all University students, faculty, adminstrators and staff, as well as the local Queens community with a donation of $8 ($5 for students and senior citizens). All proceeds will go to Mazon, an organization that helps feed the hungry all over the world.