Well, he has done it again. It’s been six months since Harry Styles debuted “Watermelon Sugar” on Saturday Night Live in November, and on Monday he gave the world the visuals for the single in a music video “dedicated to touching.”
The video, which was filmed in January, begins with Styles sitting at a brunch table-for-one, caressing a slice of watermelon on the beach; impeccably matching his top of choice with the burnt orange tablecloth that the meal is placed upon. The video is filtered to resemble a vintage VCR tape from the 70s, making the viewer feel as though they are looking back on a glorious day spent by the world’s most beautiful man at the beach.
Though the video begins with Styles alone, he is soon joined by a plethora of women who seem to enjoy the sweet, refreshing taste of watermelon more than anyone else on the planet. But, just when you think that is where you would have seen the most of it — grown women enjoying fruit — you’re wrong. The women soon begin to feed each other the fruit, laying on top of one another and getting incredibly close for this time of social distancing (Styles tweeted that the video is an example of what not to do). One of them was even hand-feeding Styles a strawberry, living out the dream for those of us that can’t.
This incredibly sensual video is reminiscent of the video for “Lights Up,” (Oct. 2019) which left many of us feeling the same way — in shambles. In “Lights Up” Styles is surrounded by many men and women who are half-dressed, touching his body and dancing in all of their glory. He then finds himself looking in a mirror, and even floating above himself at one point. In “Watermelon Sugar,” we see the continued theme of touching and sensuality, but with less introspection. While “Lights Up” asks, “Do You Know Who You Are?,” “Watermelon Sugar” provides the answer. The stark contrast between these two Oscar-worthy short films demonstrates the growth that Styles has made as an artist, and this music video in particular seemingly serves as an affirmation that he is not afraid of projecting that growth.
During a time where we may all be yearning to be closer than six feet apart from one another, Styles is providing us with the euphoria of summer that we’re all longing for: the beach, gathering with others and enjoying in-season fruit.
Were it not for the current circumstances, Styles would be nearly finishing the European leg of his Love On Tour, which has been rescheduled for 2021. The North American leg of the tour is still due to begin on June 26 in Philadelphia.