September 1, 2001. Two seemingly-normal morning hours shocked and forever changed America. We all know the details of what happened and on this day, more than any other, every American will forever remember where they were, who they were with, what they were doing and exactly what they were thinking or at least the eerie, frantic energy of their mind.
As the media debated how the remembrance would be portrayed to a nation whose overall response was “It’s already been a year?” I found it absurd that the media felt that its presentation would so greatly impact the reality of September 11, 2001. Its main concern was to ensure that it showed reverence, grace and, most importantly, good taste in honoring this notorious sucker-punch to freedom.
Through the two- to three-week hype that the media paid its coverage of the anniversary, I was offended that the media seemed to claim the day as its own. Even the popular description of the nearly-three thousand murders has been media-ized into the neat Twenty-first century catchphrase, 9/11. Now I see this everywhere: In subway ads, campaign commercials and the way some networks have so cleverly depicted it as a 9 followed but a cartoon image of the World Trade Center. Very good taste, indeed.
So rather than a somber anniversary to reflect on our nation’s darkest hour and pride myself on the true beauty of the United States of America, for which it stands, I was greeted by a media frenzy that was no more classy than what I have come to expect and did little to aid my remembrance of a tragedy no one will ever forget. Let us just hope that September 11th will not become the media’s version of the Superbowl.