There are certain meals that can take us back to our childhood.
A meal that, no matter how bad the day was, after eating it, a person cannot help but feel more at ease. These types of meals are known as comfort foods and one of the most popular of all is a classic: Macaroni and Cheese.
Each person has a favorite version of the dish made by a special someone in their life, such as their mother or grandmother. No one can ever recreate the sentimental feeling that comes when you eat that dish. This recipe, however, will come very close to it.
The recipe is not very time consuming and it is a great side dish to any meal. It can even stand by itself as a dinner. Mac and Cheese is also a great thing to make for a loved one who has had a rough day and needs a little TLC.
This dish is also a great way to take a break from cafeteria food and television dinners. It is not always easy to find time to shower, let alone prepare a meal, but the simplicity of this recipe allows you to do so.
You may never be able to go back to those fond childhood days of eating old fashioned home cooked meals from mom, but with this recipe it will be the closest you can get, even if you are hundreds of miles away from home.
What You’ll Need:
1 melted tbsp of butter
º cup of milk
Salt and pepper
1lb of shredded sharp white cheddar cheese
1lb of elbow macaroni
1 Ω quart casserole dish
What To Do:
-Boil pasta according to directions on box
-Butter the casserole dish thoroughly
-Pour in pasta 1/3 deep into the dish
-Sprinkle salt and pepper onto pasta
-Add another layer, but this time of shredded cheese
-Repeat pattern till the dish is completely filled
-Pour milk into corner of the casserole dish slowly until milk is º below layer of pasta
-Melt one tablespoon of butter and pour over top of pasta
-Preheat oven to 350 degrees
-Put on middle rack of oven and bake for approximately 45 minutes or until top is brown and crunchy.